About Pat Lacy

Pat Lacy hapat2s 56 years experience in training family pet dogs.  She founded Dog Lovers Obedience School in 1976 and  operated pet training classes for 36 years.  She specializes in families training together including children age 3 years and up.  She encourages early training and socializing for puppies 8 weeks and up.

She taught a two year college level course for Obedience Instructors in 1980.  This course included special training techniques, dog psychology and behavior patterns, breed instincts and temperament testing and understanding growth and developmental stages in puppies.

Pat founded Therapy Dogs & Associates in 1984 with volunteers currently serving hospitals, nursing homes, daycare centers, and educational programs in area elementary schools.

She has been a Charter member of Association of Pet Dog Trainers since l994.

She offers classes to prepare for  AKC Canine Good Citizen and therapy dog testing and also does evaluations for CGC and Pet Partners.

She has written articles for various magazines and currently writes for The Virginia Maryland Dog magazine. In 2013 Pat began offering consultations, workshops and seminars locally and out of town for schools, shelters, veterinarians, training groups and pet shops.